Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R by G. Jay Kerns -412 pages-
Introductory Statistics with R by Peter Dalgaard -370 pages-
Introduction to Statistical Modelling in R by P.M.E. Altham -115 pages-
Multivariate and other worksheets for R (or S-Plus)-a miscellany by P.M.E. Altham -174 pages-
Multivariate Statistics with R by Paul Hewson -189 pages-
Quick-R -on-line textbook for R users-
Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics Introduction, Code and Commentary by J. H. Maindonald -104 pages-
Using R for Introductory Statistics by John Verzani -114 pages-
R Companion to Montgomerys Design and Analysis of Exepriments (2005) by Christophe Lalanne -82 pages-
Rtips by Paul Johnson
Multivariate statistical functions in R by Michail Tsagris
A Little Book of R for Multivariate Analysis by Avril Coghlan -51 pages-
A Little Book of R For Biomedical Statistics by Avril Coghlan -35 pages-
A Little Book of R For Time Series by Avril Coghlan -75 pages-
Econometrics in R by Grant V. Farnsworth -50 pages-
Notes on the use of R for Psychology Experiments and Questionnaires by Jonathan Baron and Yuelin Li -Reading and Transforming Data, Graphics, Statistics -46 pages-
R Functions for Regression Analysis by Vito Ricci -6 pages-
A short introduction to R by Vassilis Giagos (23 pages in Greek)
A collection of manuals, tutorials, manuals, lecture notes (in many other languages as well) provided by users of R
R tips to make it faster by Michail Tsagris and Manos Papadakis - 11 pages -
S-PLUS (and R) Manual to Accompany Agresti's Categorical Data Analysis (2002) 2nd edition by Laura A. Thompson -256 pages-
Lecture notes on S-plus for Unix (with exercises) by Diego Kuonen -106 pages-
Introduction to R (or S-plus) for Generalized Linear Modelling by P.M.E. Altham -97 pages-
Lecture notes (based on) Modern Applied Statistics with S-Plus by Benny Yakir -67 pages-
Statistical Models and Graphics in Splus by Phil Spector -19 pages-
Writing Functions in Splus by Phil Spector -9 pages-
Introductory lecture notes on Splus by Dimitris Karlis -28 pages in Greek-
List of Statistical Topics