
Statistics of the Environment/ Ecology

Intro Page
Data Analysis-Data Mining
Mathematical Statistics
Statistical Theory
Stochastic Processes and Probability Theory
Linear Regression Analysis and Analysis of Variance
GLM's and Applied Statistical Methodology
Multivariate Statistics
Bayesian Statistics
Non-Parametric Statistics
Computational Statistics, Simulation
Time Series Analysis
Statistical Qualit y Control
Robust Statistics
Longitudinal Data Analysis
Medical Statistics
Statistics of the Environment/ Ecology
Social Statistics
Statistical PACKAGES
Statistical Applets and Calculators

Spatio-temporal Statistics and Geostatistics

Lecture notes on Spatial and Longitudinal Data Analysis by Peter Diggle -259 slides-

Spatial Statistics lecture notes by Montserrat Fuentes -course webpage with many chapters-

Lecture notes on Introduction to Geostatistics by Ye Zhang -36 pages-

Testing Separability in Multi-dimensional Point Processes by Frederic Schoenberg -29 pages-

A Tutorial on Spatial Analysis of Areas, by G.Camara & M.Carvalho -44 pages-

On-line Tutorials on Spatial Data Analysis, by G.Câmara

Lecture notes on Spatial Point Patterns by Elisabeth D. Root -27 slides-

Environmetrics/Ecological Statistics

Lecture notes on Environmental Application of Statistics by Richard L. Smith -377 pages-

Lecture notes on Multivariate Analysis in Ecology by Jari Oksanen -128 pages-

Statistical Methods in Water Resources by D.R. Helsel and R.M. Hirsch -524 pages-

Lecture notes on Statistical concepts in environmental science by David B. Stephenson -98 pages-

Ecological Statistics by Eric Smith -15 pages-

Extreme values

Lecture notes on Statistics of Extremes, with Applications in Enviroment, Insurance and Finance by Richard L. Smith -62 pages-

Statistics of Weather and Climate Extremes resource webpage

Statistics of Extremes in Hydrology, by Katz, Parlange and Naveau -18 pages-

Statistics of Extremes, Modeling Ecological Disturbances, by Katz, Bruce and Parlange -11 pages-

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