Computational Statistics, Simulation
Lecture notes on Monte Carlo statistical methods by Christian P. Robert -364 pages-
Lecture notes on Computational Statistics by Zhenli Xu -99 pages-
Lecture notes on Computer intensive methods by Omiros Papaspiliopoulos -63 pages-
Lecture notes on Fundamentals of Statistical Inference by Gareth Roberts -61 pages-
Bootstrap methods and permutation tests by Tim Hesterberg, Shaun Monaghan, David S. Moore, Ashley Clipson and Rachel Epstein -85 pages-
Bootstrap methods in econometrics by James G. MacKinnon -50 pages-
Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation by Kenneth Train -ziped file with all chapters in pdf format-
Advanced Statistical Computing -lecture notes by Robert Gray -329 pages-
"Resampling: The New Statistics" by Julian L. Simon (on-line textbook)
The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion by Peter Hall - 368 pages -
Computational Methods in Statistics by Eric Slud
Brief notes on Sampling Methods by Agner Fog -5 pages-
Bootstrap Estimation by Kenneth J. Koehler -26 slides-
David C. Howell's Resampling statistics: randomization and the bootstrap
Lecture notes on Computational statistics by Maria Kateri -141 slides in Greek-
Simulation Methods
Lecture notes on Simulation and stochastic models by Petros Dellaportas -61 pages in Greek-
Simulation techniques and compuational statistical techniques by Michael Boutsikas -course webpage in Greek-
Lecture notes on Rejection Sampling by Dimitris Fouskakis -11 slides in greek-
Monte Carlo Integration Method
Basics of Monte Carlo Simulations by Kai Nordlund -course webpage-
History of Monte Carlo Method by Sabri Pllana -on line book-
Lecture notes on Monte Carlo integration by Kristopher R. Beevers -8 pages-
MCMC Algorithm
Bayesian Modeling in the Social Sciences: an Introduction to MCMC -lecture notes by Simon Jackman -120 pages-
Probability and MCMC by Jeffrey S. Rosenthal -50 pages-
MCMC Preprint Service
The EM Algorithm
Lecture Notes on the EM Algorithm by Mario A. T. Figueiredo -35 pages-
The Expectation Maximization algorithm, intuitive explanation by Frank Dellaert -7 pages-
The Expectation Maximization Algorithm A short tutorial by Sean Borman -9 pages-
The Expectation - Maximization Algorithm by Tood K. Moon -14 pages-
EM Examples by Kenneth Lange -28 slides-
Acceptance Sampling
Acceptance sampling by Metin Çakanyildirim -55 slides-
Acceptance sampling by the University of Plymputh -22 pages-
List of Statistical Topics