Time Series Analysis
Time series analysis by Jan Grandell - 129 pages -
Time Series, by A.W. van der Vaart -212 pages-
Time series analysis by Ross Ihaka - 111 pages -
Lecture notes on Time Series by Richard L. Smith -120 pages-
Time series analysis lecture notes by Dewei Wang - 150 pages -
Time series analysis by Jan Grandell -129 pages-
Statistical Modelling of Financial Time Series: An introduction by Kjersti Aas and Xeni K. Dimakos -41 pages-
Graphical Tools for Exploring and Analyzing Data from ARIMA Time Series Models by William Q. Meeker -73 pages-
Stationary Time Series Models, by Wei -17 pages- (Chap 3)
Forecasting, by Wei -9 pages- (Chap 5)
Model Identification, by Wei -15 pages- (Chap 6)
Parameter Estimation, Diagnostic Checking and Model Selection -12 pages- (Chap 7)
Lecture notes by E.Bora Senta and Dimitris Kougioumtzis -Moving Average Technique, Predictions -pages in greek-
The Spatial Analysis of Time Series by Joon Y. Park -61 pages-
List of Statistical Topics